Equipped to transmit on these bands
- 160m
- 80m
- 60m channels
- 40m
- 30m
- 10m
- 6m
- 4m
- 2m
- 70cm
Equipped to receive on 50kHz to 1.8 GHz
- HF TX/RX (100W) with 50MHz and 70MHz. Receive 50kHz to 75MHz.
- Handheld 6m/2m/70cm FM TX with wideband receive.
- Handheld wideband receiver.
- Portable HF TX/RX (5W) with 50MHz, 144 MHz and 430MHz. Wideband receive.
- World Band AM/SSB (150kHz to 30MHz) and VHF-FM (Stereo)
- 24 MHz to 1800 MHz USB SDR on Android or Linux
Digital TV
- DVB-s2 receive on Ku and Ka band (TV, setboxes and PCI card)
- DVB-t VHF/UHF 42 MHz to 850 MHz (TVs, setboxes and USB stick)
- DVB-t UHF modulator with HDMI input.
Spectrum Analysers and Generators
- 19 kHz to 1.5 GHz Spectrum Analyser with tracking generator (0 to -90 dBm)
- 24 MHz to 1.8 GHz RTL SDR
- 850 MHz to 2.2 GHz Spectrum Analyser with DVB-S measurement and LNB control
- 100 kHz to 30/60 MHz (x2) Valve signal generators with AM.